that tricky ‘sensitive’ label

Most people aren’t exactly thrilled when I inform them that they might be highly sensitive.

I’ve been there, because when I stumbled on this trait more than 10 years ago, I thought: “…I have all these problems, and NOW you’re telling me I’m sensitive, too?”

By the time adulthood comes around, most HSPs have already been labeled in many ways, often pejorative. ‘Too emotional’ ‘Dramatic’ ‘Want too much’ ‘High maintenance’ ‘Difficult’… and the list goes on.

HSPs also tend to be over-pathologized and over-diagnosed by the nonsensitive majority. This adds to the burden of shame of being branded as somehow different, and irrevocably flawed. Many identify with being a victim in some way, and this can often be hard to shake. We also tend to be extra sensitized to others’ judgements.

Perspective shift

Sensitivity has more to do with your nervous system and how your brain processes information more than any judgement on your character or personality. It is your temperament. You’re biologically wired for survival, and your brain is extraordinarily primed to help you accomplish that.

As human beings, we temporarily inhabit these bodies we did not choose - and it does take time and conscious effort to cultivate a more loving and compassionate way of relating to our brains and bodies.

Versus seeing our temperament as a kind of enemy or unruly beast we have to tame, starting to treat it with some respect for both its strengths and limitations is the perspective shift that can lead to increased respect for your highly sensitive self.

Affirmations can be helpful for reversing some of the negative thoughts you’ve accumulated about yourself. You can put this printout somewhere you’ll be able to see it often, or write out your own version of it and stick it on your fridge or mirror.

Click to download:

I see myself in a new light


befriend your body


see yourself in a new light